Category: Uncategorized

BEL-based Emotional AI

Basics of Image Processing

Setting Up Your Environment Before diving into the image processing concepts, ensure you have Python installed on your system. You’ll also need to install OpenCV and Pillow, which are widely used libraries for image processing tasks. You can install these using pip: Image Representation Images are represented as arrays in computer vision. In color images,…
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BEL History and review

Brain Emotional Learning-Based Intelligent Controllers (BELBIC) represent a paradigm shift in the design and implementation of control systems, drawing inspiration from the neurobiological mechanisms of emotional learning in the mammalian brain, particularly the limbic system. This literature review synthesizes the development, applications, and evolution of BELBIC, alongside proposed enhancements and practical implementations, underpinning its significance…
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Physicists Train the Oscillatory Neural Network to Recognize Images

A new paper by physicists from Petrozavodsk State University proposes a novel method for oscillatory/spiking neural network (SNN) to recognize and categorize simple images. The advantage of oscillatory networks with adjustable synchronous state of individual neurons is that their dynamics are more similar to the neuronal networks in the actual brain. An oscillatory or Spiking…
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